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National Robotics and Engineering Center, Astrobotic, CMU and 4Moms

Tuesday, July 7, 2015 found our CWNC Summer STEM Tour at the National Robotics and Engineering Center, Astrobotic, Electrical and Computer Engineering at Carnegie Mellon Univeristy, and 4Moms.

Cybergenetics part of the 2015 STEM Careers Tour


part of the

2015 STEM Careers Tour!

<style=”text-align: left;”>Cybergenetics is the world leader in computer automated STR data analysis (they can analyze DNA for that part (the short tandem repeat polymorphism) that helps them discover who the particular individual is). They work with forensic crime scene investigations and the identification of mass disaster victims.

The two principals at Cybergenetics are Mark W. Perlin, MD, PhD, PhD and Ria David, PhD.  Dr. Perlin is the CEO, Chief Science Officer, and creator TrueAllele®technology. He holds 7 patents in fields ranging from DNA mixtures to genome mapping. Before moving to Cybergenetics He was a senior research faculty member for ten years in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA.  Dr. David  earned her PhD from Carnegie Mellon University from the School of Humanities and Social Sciences. Her research has been augmented by having lived on three continents, in four countries and has a working knowledge of five languages. She has been involved in business in all the countries she has lived in. Her specialty is integration and cultural change in the business environment. Dr. David has an Executive MBA from the Katz School of Business at the University of Pittsburgh.
I encourage you to browse some of the recent press clippings from their newsroom to learn more about this amazing Pittsburgh company.

    • 20-Mar-2015 – DNA technology crucial in murder conviction of John Wakefield
    • 12-Sep-2014 – Serial rapist found guilty in first New York trial using TrueAllele
    • 6-Sep-2014 – California newspaper features how Cybergenetics TrueAllele DNA analysis helps gain convictions

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